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metaumbrella is designed to facilitate the realisation of umbrella reviews with stratification of evidence.

You can retrieve a complete description of the app in our scientific paper https://mentalhealth.bmj.com/content/26/1/e300534. To find out more about the project, head to our FAQs, read about the team behind metaumbrella, or check out the examples and tutorials sections.

You can try the app here, or access the project via our GitHub repository and CRAN package.

If you use one of our tools in your publications, please cite us: Gosling CJ, Solanes A, Fusar-Poli P, Radua J. metaumbrella: the first comprehensive suite to perform data analysis in umbrella reviews with stratification of the evidence. BMJ Ment Health. 2023;26(1):e300534. doi:10.1136/bmjment-2022-300534

What is metaumbrella?

The 'metaumbrella' app and its associated package in R is a tool that allows users to perform umbrella reviews with stratification of evidence.

How do I use the metaumbrella app?

To open the app, simply click on 'Try the app' button or click on 'App' section in the navigation bar. Once the app is open, you will be able to load your dataset, automatically run the meta-analyses and select the rating criteria needed for your umbrella review.

What are the features of the metaumbrella app?

The core features that the app provide are to (i) automatically perform all calculations required to conduct umbrella reviews (including but not limited to meta-analyses), (ii) stratify evidence according to various criteria, and (iii) generate a visual representation of the results.

I do not understand how the metaumbrella app works!

To make getting started easier, the sections 'Tutorial' and 'Examples' in the navigation bar provide general guidance on how using this app along with examples.

metaumbrella team
Corentin J Gosling, PhD
Author, creator & maintainer
Paris Nanterre University, France
Dr. Corentin J. Gosling is an associate professor of neuropsychology at Paris Nanterre University. His research interests focus on the diagnosis and clinical interventions for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders.
Aleix Solanes Font, PhD
Author & creator
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Aleix Solanes Font earned his PhD in Computer engineering in 2021 at the University of Barcelona. He has a lot of experience in applying machine learning, deep learning and statistical techniques to neuroimaging and clinical data. He is the programmer of several softwares related to neuroimaging topics.
Paolo Fusar-Poli, MD, PhD
Author & creator

Dr. Paolo Fusar-Poli is a Professor of Preventive Psychiatry and he heads the EPIC Lab in London. He ranked as the number two expert in psychosis in the world in 2019 according to expertscape and he was an external advisory member for the DSM-5 and DSM-5TR Psychosis Working Group, US.
Joaquim Radua, MD, PhD
Author & creator
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Spain
King's College London, UK
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Dr. Joaquim Radua is a psychiatrist medical doctor and statistician interested in improving the treatment of psychiatric disorders. He is the developer of numerous methods for meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies and he has been named as one of the most cited researchers in Psychiatry and Psychology.